I stuck a guide string on the bonsai to try to start it going on a curve, should be done in ten years or so lol
here's an updated picture May 5th, has some growth
I volunteered to join Petersan on his bonsai project. Instead of a pre-made bonsai I will be using a sapling and carving it up, three reasons for this 1. I have no clue where to get a bonsai 2. it makes for two different approaches to grow a bonsai 3. it means we have both a deciduous and coniferous tree going to compare. I went to a couple of garden centers and chose my victim carefully, I settled on a Chamaecyparis pisifera(Japanese False Cypress) of the type 'Boulevard' from Walmart for $7(£3.50). It was a wise choice because it turns out they make these into bonsai!
Impatiently I ripped it out of it's home and started hacking at it, turns out these things have a ton of roots that I mostly chopped off, besides not knowing where to find a bonsai I also had no clue where to find a bonsai pot so an old plastic dish had to do. The following picture shows the repotted tree minus much of it's roots and foliage
Cute but definitely not the level of tree mayhem I was imagining. I abandoned all sense of caring about this tree's well being and started really hacking away at it MOUHAHA! In two sessions I carved away most of it, then cleaned it up fairly neatly, this thing is either going to be a bonsai or die a horrible death soon.
One more picture, I made a concept in photoshop of how I'd like to train it but it will have to grow some before I start hacking at it again